It's Christmas Time and All is Silent

It’s Christmas time,
Season of joy and cheer.
But one boy’s crime
Caused many to fear.

It’s Christmas time,
Children laugh and play.
But one person’s crime
Sent those children away.

It’s Christmas time,
Presents, parents should be buying,
Because of one human’s crime,
Many parents are crying.

It’s Christmas time,
Choirs should be singing.
Because of one man’s crime,
Only funeral bells are ringing.

It’s Christmas time,
Santa should be checking twice.
Because of one boy’s crime,
There aren't as many nice.

It’s Christmas time,
Oh what a terrible crime.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is a horrible thing and I felt like I needed to contribute something :( My prayers are with the families that lost their children and other loved ones. I cannot even imagine the enormity of this disaster