The Riddle of Runea

If the Dwarfkin lands
Of old ye seek,
This be the way to go.

But I warn ye,
The path be fraught
With perils and dangers many.

The road ye'll take
Be not made of brick or dirt
But of water, rich with gold.

Ye'll travel through
The mountain's shield,
A place full of green rabble

Up until ye reach
The foot 'o the Fifth Lord
Were ye'll find the Door.

The door of the Hellir kin,
The Sliver, Regal Clan,
The Door to the Runic Realm.

Rap not upon the Hellir Door
For all the dwarfs is gone
And all hospitality with them.

The foul and murderous greenfolk
Did come and steal
Our lands and riches from us.

Not many of the dwarfs
Now survive to tell the tale
Of our utter destruction.

For that tale, and further wealth,
Ye'll have to find
The tome of Jarn Hellir

The last king of the Runic Realm.