My World

Feels like I'm trapped,
in my own world.
In my world,
nothing really has crystal clear answers,
in my world,
your thoughts run a little bit faster.
In my world,
you drink kool-aid and then you die,
but the kool-aid doesn't kick in until you're 105.
In my world,
you can go by any religion,
you are never judged.
In my world,
you get drunk, and everyone is your best bud.
In my world,
I don't understand the way people think and society's insanity.
In my world,
the Illuminati is just imaginary.
In my world,
you speak your mind,
and you let the Creator and everything good be your guide.
In my world,
everyone is respectful,
and no one ever hates.
Truth be told, my world is just a delusional state.
My world can be scary and an epic nightmare,
and sometimes, my world can be too much to bare.
My world can drive you insane,
but no one is allowed to play emotional games.
In my world,
people ignore the strange and unusual.
My world is confusional and wonderful.
Until you realize the craziness, and then you get paranoid.
In my world, you'd try your best to avoid.
My world can be Heaven, but also Hell,
my world might limit you to excel.
It would be in your best interest to leave while you can,
in my world,
heartbreak can lead to suicide,
look inside my mind,
see what you'll find,
inside my world.