On Repeat

This illegal thing has just begun
And I'm already in too deep
My heart screams that you're the one
Yet your attention I never could keep

I cry sometimes, thinking about it
About how I got into this mess
I'd think I've taken two steps forward
Then realize I've actually regressed

I'm here again in this place
That I'd crawled out of just months ago
I'd thought I'd healed, gotten over it
Yet the painful memories still echo

I'd sought you out as therapy
To distract me from the past
Yet I know I'm endless repeat
And this happiness... it won't last

Who will be there to distract me
When you've also turned your back?
It's inevitable that you will one day
And I've already accepted that fact

I wish I could prevent it from happening
I wish I could change the game
But I've been here before
And that's how I know
It all ends the same.
♠ ♠ ♠
18 / 12 / 12
- Z