Roads of Corruption

Stupid assumptions, from people with many luxuries,
Stupid words, from people that no not these
Several trials and tribulations, put forth by life itself
Several paths I could take, most of them involving some sort of death.
Why? One may ask,
Well the answer is simple
I must complete this god forsaken task.
What task you ask?
A total annihilation.

A total annihilation of life itself,
A total annihilation of ties and help
A total annihilation of time and space,
Creating a total end, to this god awful race.

The race of life, one many don't comprehend,
As people trample others, around every bend.
Several different roads leading the way,
Some with good faith some with dismay,
Not caring who or what is in there way
Bit due to their greed, they'll be the same by the next day
Withered to nothing and lying on the rode,
Despite all my words they did not heed,
That taking this road, they'd fall to their knees

Now I'm alone, watching the others die,
Yet I don't feel pity, nor do I hide,
The fact of the matter is I'm truly entertained,
Their grief, their sorrow, and all of their pain,
All what could've been avoided if they would've abstained,
From the road of corruption, that had been lain.