If I Died Tomorrow

If I died tomorrow, what would be the last thing I say?
What would be the last thing I do?
Who would I see last?
Would it be with you?

If I knew I would die tomorrow, I would live to the fullest.
Get the first kiss that I've yet to experience.
Tell everyone how much they mean to me.
Literally go out in style.

If I was to die tomorrow, I'd want to spend it with the ones I love.
My family.
My dearest and closest of friends.

See, if I was to die tomorrow...
I wouldn't tell anyone, just so they wouldn't look at me like a hopeless case.
I would write out everything that my parents should know about me.
I would make sure that my last wishes were put into effect so that things would be perfect after I moved on.

Will I die tomorrow?
I don't know.
Who does?
But if I did, I wouldn't tell.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sheesh, I've been writing a lot of poetry the past week and I'm just now realizing it. It's the only thing I'm having inspiration for at the moment.
So am I hinting some sort of death sometime soon?
See this was based off of the apocalypse stuff that's been going on. People say the world will end in 2 days. I don't think so, but this is just to show, what would I do if I knew that I was going to die the next day.