Consumption (bathsalts)

Being eaten alive is a terrible thing.
I would much rather throw away a diamond ring.
The first bite hurts the worse as his teeth insert my skin.
He bites.
I scream.
I try to run.
They hold me down.
Bathsalts really are the cruelest things in town.
An interesting thing.
My flesh and muscle tissue are ripped from my thigh.
No sedatives.
Slowed breathing to know im alive.
They sing as they feast.
I cant understand them.
They ate both my ears.
They gush blood impulsively.
Next thing to go were my toes.
*crunch* One
*crunch* Two
*snap* Three
They rip my tendons out of my hand.
Blood is everywhere.
All I can see is red.
I feel there dirty, mangled hands inside of my belly.
My intestines rubbing against one another.
I hold my breath.
Im numb.
Am I breathing?
I hope not.
I need this nightmare to be over.
This is weird.
I see my body lying on the table.
Im free!
But I never left.
I watched them cut into my body as I was dragged to hell.
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