Poetry of my youth

The following are poems that I wrote when I was in high school or middle school. I just thought it would by fun for you to see what I wrote when I was your age.


Some dreams are not just dreams;
They might be the future.
Some hopes aren't just hopes;
They could be destiny.


Your gentle love shines forth
Through your beautiful smile.
Your everlasting joy
Seems to reach for miles.
The sweetness of your heart
Shines through the darkest cloud.
The happiness in your voice
Sings out clear and loud.


When hopes seem to be left behind,
And slowly your dreams seem to unwind,
You still have a friend who's always there,
One to trust and one who'll care.

It's funny to see my mood change
from song, to poems, to art.
It's funny to see my mind
wander so far from its start.

"I Do Not Want to Go"

It did not strike me right away,
When you said, "I do not want to go."
It just seemed a fact of life, I guess,
To go when they say so.
But if I could have known then
What I know now to be,
That life is hard and burdensome,
And demons follow me;
I'd give a lot to go back,
And sit upon the beach.
To play a game of volleyball
With good friends in my reach.
To sit and talk a while with you,
Or relax in the chapel of prayer.
To feel that sense of unity
And freedom in the air.
But now it's done and over with.
I can't turn back the time.
My life, it has gone on again'
Part of my Maker's design.
But one thing I have learned from this
Is to enjoy every moment God gives,
For this may be the only moment you get
To really learn to live.

A poem to release and calm your fears
A poem to sooth your mournful tears
These tears with words I'll wipe away
Praying they will bring a brighter day.
God is holding you in faithful hands,
Filling your heart with His greater plans.
So do not worry and do not fear,
Do not shed another tear,
Always know that God is near,
Comforting those whom He holds dear.

My Woods

The trees wave gently in the wind,
Motioning, calling
Beckoning me in.

To sit inside its peaceful shade,
To watch its rivers
Blue and jade

Just sitting on a fallen log
I could watch God's creation all day long.

My Cat

My cat walks slowly through the grass.
She cares not who or what might pass.
In her own world of joy and glee,
To her, all worries and troubles flee.


A few leaves stuck up on a tree
Reminders of a summer past
And a spring too soon to grasp.


A mime reminds me of a work of art:
Black and white with a dash of red.

Fighting the Darkness**

You know the darkness that floods your soul.
It eats at you and smears your mind.
You fight to keep the truth in mind.
You want to express your feelings
And your thoughts become an endless poem...
But it doesn't help.
It just makes the darkness more evident.
You try to reach for God,
But even when you hear his voice,
You still feel the darkness hindering you,
Holding you back from breaking through.
Finally, you rest.

You feel like throwing up the darkness in your soul.
You want it gone...if only it was that easy.
Finally, you fall into tears,
The darkness taking hold.
You see yourself in your Father's giant hands,
Holding you ever close, and you know
He isn't going to let you go.
Slowly your mind begins to see.
The darkness begins to break.
You know it is still there,
But now you see it for what it is:
A constant battle going on within you.

You know it is the scorpion inside
Stinging you with its lusts and evil desires.
But there is another greater one in you,
A majestic bird who knows no bounds.
They equally cannot be contained;
They wage war within your soul.
Peace then pain; hope then fear.
A constant battle that cannot be controlled
Until finally the birth pains are over,
And you enter the final peace.

**Inspired by the book Edge of Eternity by Randy Alcorn