This man

Only two nights,
Two nights.
I knew this wonderful man,
A one night stand,
I wanted to know everything about him.

His weird little things,
How he laughs at the most stupid things.
His openness,
How he can tell me anything,
Not ashamed.

When he left my house,
He told me he was leaving.
When he decided to tell me this,
He told me he was going to America,
He wasn't coming back.

we went out that night,
done our drugs.
we yelled,
done the arguing like a married couple,
This man I want to keep .

No way,
He didn't want a boyfriend.
No one could keep him,
He didn't like being tied down,
Oh how i love this man.

Now i'm watching him get on the train,
TO leave this place.
Now the tears are coming,
To haunt me,
The last time I'll see him.
♠ ♠ ♠
I watched a movie called Weekend. About these two gay's. That movie made me cry so hard. I loved everything about it. This poem was dedicated to the movie. <3