How Our Morning Should Be

Beams of light greet us through the window, a gentle awakening from the rising sun. I take a moment to soak it all in: the beautiful morning, and the wonderful boy laying beside me. I turn my head upward ever so slightly to look at his face, he of course pretending to be asleep. However, the smile spread across his face is a dead give away. Everything is perfect as we hold each other, under the covers snuggled up for warmth. As I tease him in efforts to have him open his eyes our laughter fills the room, an echo of joy and love bouncing off the walls and back to our ears. Rolling around playfully, we cover one another in pillows and sheets. Alas we finally reunite, and as I look into his angelic face I’m captured by those brilliant blue eyes. The connection between my eyes and his is so strong – Could it be love? What a silly question. Of course it is, how could it not be?