The Story of The Darkness

Come with me and hear my tale
Of how the darkness did prevail
It started as a single seed
Buried and planted a single seed
In a small town in the midwest
A boy did not know what was best
He planted the seed with care
And for awhile it stayed there
But then it blossomed and spread
Its blossoms filled many with dread
Small and black it spread like fire
A way to stop them on one could acquire.
So they spread further and gave of chills
That filled everyone with morbid thrills
It spread to Virginia where it did grow
A small boy sat among them named Poe.
It spread to Bangor the very next spring
Another child played in them named King
It quickly spread and affected many people
Beggars and the rich under church steeples.
The Darkness compelled me to write its story
And give it it's proper glory.