
Look me in the eyes,
Don't look away.
Tell me this has no meaning,
You'd be lying.
It meant something.

The way you would sway your hips just to tease,
Knowing how Lucky I am to have a beautiful creature like you makes me warm inside.
It's so hard to keep my eyes off of you,
Every little fucking thing you do makes me crazy.

How your tattoos outline your perfect little colors bones,
The crazy little designs you made on yourself with that razor.
Nothing you could say could make me leave,
Yearning for your touch with all my might,
Not to give up.

Yelling and screaming,
If it's with you that's what I want.
Touch every little piece of skin,
It's yours.
Trace little designs on my skin,
I'll cherish forever.

All the nights we spent laughing,
Imprinted in my thoughts.

Wanting to take care of is what I want,
No matter how whinny you get I'll always get you.
I love the way you scrunch up your nose in disgust,
The way you laugh at the littlest things.

Remember when we went to the movies to see our first scary movie?
I forget the name of it.
You hid in my chest ,
As the kids behind us called us Fags.
The way your face turned from innocent to angry,
I knew you were the one that would help me through anything.
And the way you threatened to cut their eye's out,
You almost pissed yourself when you realized what you had said.

I always want that,
your little mood swings,
Never could I give that up.
So give me the chance,
To show you how much I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
Even if we can't show it to everyone ,
Or even get married,
I want to to stay with you forever,
Until my heart stops beating. <3
♠ ♠ ♠
I made this for my boyfriend, Since he isn't the smartest and doesn't log off. <3 I Love you Hun. <3