
You deleted the pic of us.
And to be honest I am fine.
Finally faceing the music.
And claiming what's rightfully mine.
I'm finally admitting it.
There will be no more you and I.
And no matter what my brain says,
My heart's ready for goodbye.

Goodbye to all our late night talks,
of what we may someday be.
Goodbye to all those happy times,
where it was only you and me.
Goodbye to walking hand in hand,
completely smitten and in love.
Goodbye to all those makeout sessions,
where it was like flying high above.

Goodbye to all our pointless fights,
where what I ever say "never matters".
Goodbye to all of your lieing,
leaving my trust in you in tatters.
Goodbye to all our "I Love You"s,
to all our "I Love You More" wars.
Goodbye to what we could have been,
now your one of many closed doors.

I once thought you were everything.
But soon realized your not.
I never thought i'd ever say,
"Thank god! I'm finally free!
Free from all this torturous pain.
I can't do this any longer.
You'll forever be a part of me.
Goodbye first love, thanks i am now stronger.