A Young Woman, Far-Sighted

All the men and all the boys
I've known have all
wanted to fuck me, date me, have me.
I have yet to discover why.
If I used a mouth to tell the truth
in my words
perhaps I'd gain some more depth from it all.
Maybe they wouldn't want me anymore.
I've tried,
so help the gods I have,
and they all still want to be inside of me.
They all still want their seed inside of me.

A woman or two have even wanted me once,
I do not know why.
I bid no work for these affections.
I tell the man, the boy, the woman
that all I ever want is alone.
To be alone.
I am happy alone.
But the people see me happy alone
and they want to be happy with me.
Expect me to be happy with them.
Happy together.

To which I will tell the truth;
I will date a man, a boy, and will never want to see them.
I'm honest.
I have so I do not want.
I have so I do not see.
I have so I do not love.
Because I can only love
from afar.