
As we accompany each other through this obsolete determination we call hope, there is none.
Occasionally we see that false hope flicker, and then diminish before us, as if we are just here, and are here for nothing more than the intentional suffering that comes with the end we are entitled to.
Tell me, if Buddha, Krishna, Athena, Kali, God, Jesus or even the defiant Satan exist, why do we? If they are the perfection that they are professed to be by many ignorant beings, than why would they need simplistic beings like us to exist? Are we nothing but a over populated dollhouse, being tortured and corrupted for the entertainment of the higher beings that we are taught to praise, and according to a time that wasn’t truthfully recorded, and isn’t remembered, did they actually talk to such revolting creatures as humans? If so, please so-called higher being’s, talk to me. Explain your savage manifestations, for it seems that you haven’t passed along the knowledge with your little puppet show.
Whether at the base of a pyramid, in the sacred temple, or the judgemental church, words are twisted and reformed to frame these teachings, these words of unknown millenniums, all to teach us how to live, although we are taunted and taunt ourselves all along the way. So are these teachings supposed to actually help, or will we just continue to succumb as we have since mankind existed, although I do not know that we have indeed suffered since then, life cannot get better and I doubt it has ever been able to be worse, as such a statement goes.
Added all up, divided by a few forgotten millenniums subtract a few lies and you have the belief systems forced upon us, making them more of written rules than anything able to be believed, yet we do, and will continue to do until we actually succumb, as we have been ignoring and will continue to do so even through our ongoing process of suicide.
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While this is still completely mine, it was influence by my friend Travis' story.