
We’re all defiantly cruel when you break it all down. We have made it so that some of us are able to torture each other with a simple glance. Yet we are nothing.
We are the product of nothing known, and we are forced to theorize of where we came from and how we exist.
Yes, the sperm cell meets the-No. Not what we’re talking about. Well, of course, evolution! Oh, God created us. Would someone like to tell me who this “God” fellow is? Well, he’s a higher being is he? Well, then who invented him?
Also, who said that God was a man anyway? Exactly. God was labeled as a man due to the pasts sexist nature and the fact that women were/often still are labeled as the lesser creatures of our cultural collage we call society.
We have so many questions that we force each other to try and answer.
So here you go: We exist. Stop trying to decipher it, and live. Kind of ironic from someone who is constantly deciphering society, but that is not what I mean. I mean trying to explain it all with Science, with religion. It’s just pointless because no matter what, we are nothing. We just exist, and that’s it. Who knows, maybe we don’t exist. Maybe we’re all just an pigment of nothing and we all think that we are actually here.
About this God thing. Why is this “God” fellow named God? Aren’t there many other Gods and Goddesses that have been labeled? Buddha, Allah, Kali, Athena. But no, since we think of our religions as being the only ones that matter, there is the “God”, the big superior being that we all must hail to, otherwise we are a colossal enragement of sinners. A gathering at the water hole of the dissatisfaction and deceptive glory.
Why do these religions threaten the people who just exist without limiting themselves by the rules of a book? You shall burn for eternity without the wisdom of God!
Well, that’s lovely, because if you were truly following your religion you wouldn’t act like such ignorant, blissful swine.
I am not saying that all religious beings are this way and that I dislike them all. No, that’s just not realistic here. I am saying that as a whole, I do not enjoy having people threaten my lifestyle/me with some theory of eternal burning when I die. I respect that they have their beliefs, but it would be nice if people would give mine/others the respect that we are rightfully owed.
I believe that when I die I will rot away and lower the population by one for a few seconds. Yes, the human existence is full of complexity,, like the thoughts that infest us and the beliefs we are bred with. Yes, it may seem a bit absurd that all of it just ends when the body shuts down, but that’s the way it is to me. Maybe you see my views as stupid and unrealistic, but that’s fine because I don’t expect you to think of them any other way, as long as you don’t try to mix yours in with the complexity of my mind.
We are Artists, We are Gremlins, We are wicked corruptive beings, We are teachers, We are taught, We are food for the maggots, We are the consumers of our surroundings. Slowly, we devour this world, in many ways that cannot be deciphered.
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(I want to know the opinions of others on these topics, as it might help me write more complexly if I were to have the insight of others. Note that when I classify things with “we” I’m not saying that everyone is this way, and that I am, I am just saying that to an extent, many of us are in some way and as a whole, most of us are.)
So, ideas, opinions, knowledge, Go.