Grab Life by the Balls

Grab Life by the balls.
Grab a pack of cheap pall malls and smoke them in the stalls of a bathroom and let the smell offend the people who live by America's steeple.

Cause Controversy; Have mercy only sometimes and live life on the dimes of the chimes of the rhymes that roll off your tongue -
Sing that song off tune,
be a goon,
a loon - a tick
that grabs a stick from a tree and piss off a bunch of bees and make a beat on the ground and hear the sound and understand
That You Are
You Thrive, You Jive, and one day will eventually die.
Make it a regretless death, knowing you gave a breathe of life into this fucked up and lost generation
that strives for elation
but can't seem to find it, pretend not to mind it.

It's like your body is like the Statue of Liberty
All big and bulky
But you're all sulky
because you feel like you're trapped inside one of the legs - The gigantic hairy leg and you're scrounging around inside
like some tiny Fetus trying to break through to the light
but you can't fight for flight
Because you're unsure of what you want to do or who you want to be.

You want to be recognized
but you don't know what you want to theorize
or what prize or award you want to win
because you're afraid to sin COS TAN
You'd rather eat a pie than figure out 3.14159.

You've read the lore of the Lord of the Rings:
That's what I'm Tolkien about, it's a force of Hobbit.
-But Life isn't Hogwarts or an epic magical romance-
unless you take that magic and make it a dance and take a passionate stance.

You Don't think you have a voice but you do.
You have a choice to make a noise
That spills from your glottal
and that passed through other people's earwax
and perhaps your word's will stick to their brain
(Who cares if they think you're insane!)
It's better than being a mundane mindless machine
that mashes your words like ...

You wonder what exactly you could offer this world and I say this:
Do your own damn thing.
Be passionate. Who cares what it is.
You could be a master of dance or prance
or take drugs in an endless trance,
it could be Jesus and training your skill of love
while watching some birds and explain what a Dove consists of

The mundane: It makes us insane
and discourages us from smoking the Mary Jane -
Yes, that is spidermans girl
who never guessed he had a swirl,
Yes, the ice cream that was both flavors
a light and dark
Side of the Moon (Pink Floyd)
A monsoon of words that make no sense
with the burning incense it's nonsense
but it doesn't matter
Because You Are Your Own Experience.

Our Lives are chosen for us.
It's the senseless Consensus -
Learning what to know and what not to know
and how we are to grow
into a respected man or woman
that exploits the land and lives
in this timeless sand of a mindset
with Cookie Cutter feelings
and have white painted ceilings
with a TV that blares and stares
at our own
Lonely, Wishful Thinking.

Turn off the TV. Buy an RV.
Go try to catch an Evee, go golf without a tee,
Drink every type of Tea, and BE HUMAN.
Be a catechuman, or cat woman, or batman.
Let the speech come out with a wink and sink into the brink of what is right and what is wrong -
The gray area, I dare ya to make a song about a long trip to the Viet Cong and how they smoke it out of a bong.
Who cares if it's true!
If it is a common hue inside of you,
Let the emotional goo come out of your pores and make your own damn lores.

Don't sit in a cafe alone as a drone touching your phone with greasy finger tips and only open your lips to feast on that BEAST OF A MUFFIN.
Be a ruffian, a truffian, a macduff(ian)
and engage and be a mage against that enemy Macbeth.
Tomorrow could be sudden death.

Everything you Do is a choice.
Some think that one person alone doesnt have a voice
But one person can talk
One person can sing
One person can sting with words of hate
or communicate
what that flying dove consists of-and understand love-an experience.

You get one.
One life.
One Experience.
Do Shit that Scares you,
That frightens you.
Let the fear be the fire: The nervous is dire and necessary
Because you gotta say what you feel and cause controversy.
Go beyond the university, the universe or even this verse you're reading write(right) now.

Do Something. Anything.
So that when you die you don't just lie in a grave.
You take your life by the balls
You break down the walls
and take a vow that when the curtain closes
You take one hell of a bow.
♠ ♠ ♠
Read it out loud. Be forceful with it.
Read this if you want to motivate yourself and be creative.