What is love?

Such a strange word.
People always throw it around like it means nothing.
To them, it means nothing.
To me, it means everything.
Someone asked me if I know what love is.
And I pondered upon the question for a moment or two.
Love is not only wanting to be with someone, but needing to be with them.
Needing to make them happy so much, you completely forget about your own happiness.
Needing their touch.
Needing their kiss.
Needing to be close to them.
Never being able to get close enough.
Never being able to kiss long enough.
Never being able to look at them long enough.
Never grasping the depth of love in their eyes.
Not knowing if the person you love with every atom you're made of loves you back.
Not knowing if their love it as intense and fierce as your love.
Not knowing if their love will disappear.
I turned, with a tear on my cheek,
And I said,
"It's dreadful. That's what love is."