Lobster girl

The tale of the girl that boiled herself alive

There a girl stood
Her gangly body naked.
Watching the steam uplift from the shallow dirty tub

She dipped a hand in
testing the greyish water
It was terribly hot

But that did not discourage her
She did after all need to be clean
cleanliness is next to godliness

And boy, did that girl love god
Or should I say fear
She believed because she feared hell

One foot a time she got in
Slowly lowing herself in holding one side of the tub
I ntill her legs were emerged by the water

He thighs turned red from the heat
but she ignored it because thought
"no one burns alive in the bath"

What a silly, silly girl,she was she closed her eyes
Leaning back letting the stress
melt into the tub

She drifted into a relaxed sleep
But she did not wake
The neighbors said

"That girl? she was boiled alive in her own tub. they say she was so red she looked like a lobster."