Unto New Dawns, Old Dusks.

What you did, it has also been done...
Put it away, forget your past choices.
You only think that you are can'ts, wont's, and don'ts...
Whatever the demons, block out their voices.

For the night may be cold, bitter, and unmerciful,
But it is all nothing to a vessel with age.
No matter the feelings that may be thrown at you...
Learn to channel your sadness, your fear...rage.

Stones are easy to throw, but hard on the outside...
You have probably picked up a few of your own,
But before you rear back, and proceed to toss them...
Look back at yourself, and the person you've known.

You aren't the same shadow now, but a beam of light.
Ready to spread out, with your own given trust.
You are released from bondage, released from Darkness,
Strained unto new dawns, and away from old dusks.