Even After, for the Forever-After

Gold and Ivory were thrown up to the clouds...
Quick flashes captured begginings, and an ending endowed.
Gowns gripped their loves, some boys, some girls.
They made them women and men, ready to take on the world.

But all except for one, standing, looking through the glass...
From the 2nd story floor, in Mrs.White's Calculus class.
She was tired, emotional, depressed, and corrupt.
Overcome with the reality, that he hadn't shown up.

Her parents were there, and they searched worried down below...
She let them look on, distracted in woe.
The happiness laid absent, and her hope for future was fading...
Without Liam's support, she was alone to raise the baby.

He said he would be there, he said that he would come...
Liam had said a lot of things, with his palm around her thumb.
She believed them all, because they usually were true.
But for the first time in a long time, she didn't know what to do.

A knock came upon the door, and interrupted her tears...
Mrs.White would probably be asking now, to come down with her peers.
She refused to answer its disturbing call, and kept her head buried down...
Mrs.White came in with a silent creak, sounds only stretching a hopeless frown.

She placed one hand around her midsection, joining it with the other...
Mrs.White had never touched her this way, with tenderness of her solemn lover.
Her eyes pivoted slowly around, confused on why she gripped her like so...
Instead she met Liam's cobalt eyes, and regretted the decision of letting go.