Forgive Me Father

Forgive me Father
When I come to stay with you
I don't know what to do.
Hi Dad.
Hi Son.
A cold and terrible silence.
I hate the narrow bridge between us,
But I can't widen it out.
Is that an excuse for not trying?
Sad eyes gaze into longing eyes.
Which set is mine?

Forgive me Father
In our conversation of the day
I don't know what to say.
A cold and terrible silence.
I hate that we are so strained,
But I can't smooth it out.
Is that an excuse for not trying?
Sad eyes gaze into longing eyes.
Which set is yours?
♠ ♠ ♠
This first draft of this was some serious emotional throw up, but I'm proud of it now that it's been edited. My Mom and Dad are divorced, so I live with Ma. When I go off to Dad's house, things get pretty strange.