Still I Rise to Submission

Sitting upon the cornerstone...
Lost in the the thoughts that drown me away.
There's no one here, I'm all alone...
Still I rise to a worthy submission.

Clock ticks long upon the wall,
Fueling my descent with its shady hands.
Something under me breaks and falls...
But still I rise to a worthy submission.

Feelings are surfacing that never were there...
To force me down from a call of distress.
I can feel the very essence being stripped from the air...
And still I rise to a worthy submission.

Below gritty dirt, there is dismal, hollowed ground...
Past that veil, I can only drill down...
No stopping now, there is no turning around,
Yet still I rise to a worthy submission.

Enter in, whispered those shadows.
And so I did, an unresisting soul.
I don't know how to swim where Darkness is unshallow...
Still I rise, to a worthy submission.
♠ ♠ ♠
My meaning to the poem is probably not the same as yours, definitely not, but what this is trying to say is:

Sometimes we often give ourselves up to decisions, good or bad, even if we are cognizant of the consequences bound to follow.