
Blaze paints the endless blue
With reflections of pastel warmth.
Eyes search glassy beige and black
Uprooting every grain to find perfection.
And, at once, that little girl falls
Ankle deep into every dream she ever dared
Allowing flicking aqua arms to outstretch-
To wash away all her pain and despair.
Letting go of worry and time,
A flash of an old lesson passes her thoughts:
"Don't lock onto the immediate points;
Embrace the whole picture instead."
Although that was a science review,
Her epiphany holds proof and strength.
She ceased her empty endeavors, hands and knees,
And Stood, becoming one with the bleeding light.
Her eyes lifted, the uneven ground expanded;
She saw the intent of the whole picture.
The rolling, crashing icy-blue leaked
Into the soft, shifting dunes.
She bent to grasp crystals and jolted them
Out into the dome of white and carbon.
I slipped out of my sandals,
And let her go
And walked away
A woman.
♠ ♠ ♠
This was a very trying time in my life. although I had grown up much before I should have, I realized I had fully matured at this moment. this was a music department trip to Virginia Beach, and I decided to go walk on the beach for the last lime on our last morning there, before all of my peers had woken up. This is exactly the truth of what happened.