
pain comes in many forms
it can flit from person to person in the form of unyielding winds
or it can remain within that person's heart without end

always remaining
always consuming
always there, that unbearable pain

its free to weep and cry
to wrench and tear you apart on the inside

its free to wreck havoc and bring you to your knees
its free to blind you
to cripple you
to distort what you see

It appears in your dreams in the shape of familiar things
it hopes to gain your trust
so that it can hurt you again

pain takes on many forms
and it uses its freedom to do so
but pain can cause you to become reborn
its progress can be slowed when you tell it no

pain may be the chains that bind you
the peril that blinds you
and the enemy that will always come

but in those darkest times
remember pain can be beaten
pain can be overcome
♠ ♠ ♠
please tell me what you think =)