Skeptic to Love

I hate love,
Couples nauseate me,
Don’t even try to love me,
Or send me letters confessing your feelings,
Because guess what?
I hate love!
It’s not realistic,
Or even possible,
This thing called love.
I must say I prefer being single,
No one can hurt me,
Get under my skin,
Wound me emotionally.
Why do you keep proclaiming love is possible?
Get this through your thick skull,
It isn’t!
Books, movies, they all lie,
Saying love is possible to all.
Well honey it isn’t,
In real life you have to be model thin,
And model gorgeous.
How in the hell is that realistic?
No one is like that!
Yet you see tons of people falling in love,
Announcing it to the world!
Ugh spare me the details!
Don’t get me wrong,
Love is possible,
I just don’t believe it’s possible for me.
I hate the thought of being tied to someone by marriage,
Or even being tied down by a relationship,
So just move on,
Because I am one girl you do not want to love.
I’ll just drag you down,
Make you question your sanity,
And cause you grief.
Move on,
Or you will pay the price.
♠ ♠ ♠
Uh yeah this pretty much sums up my hatred for that lovey dovey thing called love.