
My energy is waning,
I feel it slipping through my fingers,
You are sucking me dry.

I feel feeble and weak in your presence,
But strong and healthy without you.
Like a shark that smells my blood from afar,
You prey on me at my darkest hour,
And delight in draining my vitality.
You crunch up my body,
And leave me with scars,
Scars that will never go away,
No matter how hard I try.

They aren’t physical,
No, those heal.
They’re all mental,
And that’s what I can’t stand,
I’m slowly losing my sanity,
And my will to live.

I feel like a fish out of water,
Flopping uselessly on the beach,
Staring at the ocean,
With no hope of getting back in.

And you,
A fisherman,
Stick a hook in my mouth and drag me with you.
I am dying,
Don’t you even care!!!
Of course you don’t.

I should have known,
You have no heart,
And thrive on the life energy of others,
Others who are stronger willed than you,
And more confident.

You’re weak,
I could break you with a soft kick,
And you would crumble and fall to ruins.
But you are smart,
I’ll give you that,
You tricked me,
Made me comfortable,
And cozy in your presence,
But all the while you were slowly drinking my energy up.

I was a fool for ever trusting you,
For ever having thought of you as a friend.
Now I’m going to pay for my foolishness,
I will die,
Because no one else knows of your treachery.
You’ve got everyone wrapped around your finger,
And they don’t suspect a thing.

I’m doomed.
Just as I feel my last breath coming out I see a shadow come,
And tackle you to the ground.
You groan,
And flop onto the ground.

The shadow picks me up,
And I get a look at you,
You are one of my oldest friends,
And one of the people I trust the most,
You smile,
And say,
“I’m sorry this happened to you. I promise I’ll avenge you.”
I feel a tear slip down,
And you throw me into the sea,
Once I hit the water I feel rejuvenated,
And I wave goodbye to you.

You smile,
And turn to my enemy.
I watch as you beat up my nemesis.
Once they are beaten up,
You leave them on the sand,
And torn,
All my stolen energy returning to me.
You come up to me,
And beam,
“No one messes with my friends.”

I weep,
And you weep as well,
Our tears blowing into the wind.
I realize suddenly that you were always there for me,
Through thick and thin,
And I had forsaken you.

I will never forget your loyalty to me,
And how you have saved my life,
Not just today,
But every day since I first met you.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just a poem about deceivers and friends. :)