
She crashed down with valor, burying deep in the waves...
Smoke billowed up in clouds as she washed up ablaze.
Meanwhile, a boy searches for shells on the shore,
He has found quite the luck, but is bound for much more...

Down the yellow line, where the water breaks free...
The boy left his boundaries, wading out into the sea.
His trunks ran over with the ears of the ocean...
While the dirt dropped off, leaving him to tread in motion.

It's been several hours now, and midnight has fell.
The boy heads for home now, with white stories to tell.
He rises up to surface - but sure enough, he had missed...
There is one last seashell bobbing low in the cool midst.

It isn't like the others discovered, charcoal black and smooth...
The boy is treading air now, afraid to swiftly move.
He stares at the oddity, glowing shallow against the blue...
A single finger falls upon it, with a transformation anew.

Rock is now vaporized, as it bleeds among his thumbs,
It stains the waters black & dirty, spreading like serpent slums.
Something starts to bubble under, and the boy is taken down...
His screams fade away into gurgles while he illeviably drowns.

It isn't over quite yet, as the water catches flame.
Darkness seeps into every castle, as it covers the sandy grains.
The smoke from the air lets him to sleep, and the boy begins to fade...
His eyes close with the blackened waters, with the promises he made.

Back into the arms of Pacific, inhales a certain child.
He is more than frightened to be alive, after an experience so wild.
Something is cool and comfy in his palm, but he dares not to look down...
He can't wait to show his parents the new rock that he just found.