
I understand that you may be mad
I understand if you are sad
I understand everything you say,
But please answer me:
Can you feel my pain?

I know my words cannot be heard
I know my face will be broken again.
Bloody and bruised,I cry in dismay.
But again,it hits me the question:
Can you feel my pain?

Darkness swallows me whole
I tried to let the words sink in.
I tried to hold onto what I believe in.
But I can't help but wonder:
Can you feel my pain?

I regain my life again
I stare at you with a crazy smirk of my own
you give me a questioning look
And with a smile I say:
"You obviously don't know what's pain."
♠ ♠ ♠
A/N:This was written in ten minutes.Poetry is my life and my perfect,twisted world is inside of it.I know that I'm not the best writer,but I try my best.Thanks for reading!!
