Hello Again

Ever since I was a junior high boy I can remember you
And what you do
The way so smile
Would make stop and think of you for awhile
And wonder if it could ever be
You and me
I had you and I had it all
But my ambitious caused me to lose it and made me fall
To be happy with the one that loves you
Is all I knew because of you
I never a relationship could be any other way
But I found that out at the end of the day
Miserable and torn I became
Missing the picture I had of your future name
That I carried in my back pocket
Sorta of a secret locket
To remind me who I belong to
Along with you to me
Just by you speaking of a second chance
Causes my heart to dance
Overwhelmed don’t mean to be overbearing
As I know trust and time
Are what is needed to help unwind
The ways I wronged you
I swear all I want is your love
Ill wait forever
And never wrong you again
For hopefully youll take me back
So I can gaze upon your smile
And just sit for awhile
Not a word is spoken or is needed
But I like to say it anyway
I love you
♠ ♠ ♠
comments welcomed