Big Sister, Your Shoes Don't Fit

Why can't I fit your shoes?
I squeeze my big toe in,
But it just won't fit.
You're smart, pretty, and outspoken.
Why can't I be more like you?
Why won't your shoe just fit?!
I try to be smart, and I wear makeup to look pretty,
But being outspoken is to hard.
Give me a minute.
I'll squeeze your shoes on and you can teach me.
Will you teach me if I tell you they don't fit?
Can I still be your sister even if we're not alike?
Please say yes, and teach me how to be you.
I'll try, I promise I will.
Just teach me.
Show me how you talk to people,
And how you smile.
Show me how you get a guy to love you.
And show me how you always say the smartest dumbest things.
Just promise me one thing,
That you'll teach me no matter what.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote one like this before. But this ones totally different.