First Time

Palms sweaty, heart pounding, I'm nervous.
But I keep my cool, not wanting to lose focus.
One girl rolls it up, while the other drives.
I wipe my palms, nothing's like your first time.
I've been told this stuff's the best.
I take it between my finger tips
and inhale with pursed lips.
I feel the thickness in my lungs,
the smell and taste bittersweet.
After a couple rounds, all I wanna do is eat.
Fuzzy tingles shoot up my spine.
My whole body relaxes, this feeling's all mine.
No worries, no hurt, live in the moment.
Take the time you have and own it.
Nonsense giggles escape my lips,
everything is hilarious.
I bite my lips, I feel nothing but numbness.
This feeling gives my a new confidence I've never known.
My whole body shakes, I'm not even cold.
We get home and leave the car,
I stumble on the stairs.
Only thing bad about this shit is it leaves you physically impaired.
I open the door, lite another,
and the cycle starts again.
Nothing's like your first time,
or so they said.