My Favorite Song

Boy, you're like my favorite song.
The harmony's just right,
Soft and calming when I need a friend,
Loud and fast, like my hearbeat.
I know all the lyrics,
Like how you know everything about me,
How I know I never want to let you go.
I could put you on repeat,
And never take you off.
I could dance to you,
Cry to you,
Laugh to you.
I want to hold you close and close my eyes,
Hoping with everything in me that the sun takes its time to rise.
Because I know when the daylight comes, I will wake up.
And you will be gone.
Because you're just a dream, aren't you?
Love like this doesn't exist in real life.
Only movies...
And dreams.
You've stolen my heart from my chest.
All I ask of you now is, please,
Take good care of it.