I once knew a girl...

I once knew a girl who loved her life.
She had a million friends, no complaints.
Her grades were great; she had so much going for her.
Everyone loved her.

I once knew a girl who was content with her life.
She had lots of friends, very few complaints.
Her grades were still great; she had so much going for her.
Everyone liked her.

I once knew a girl who was mad at her life.
She had a few friends, several complaints.
Her grades stared to drop; her hopes started to drop.
Not many people liked her.

I once knew a girl who hated her life.
She had no friends, always complained.
Her grades were all bad; she had lost all hope.
At this point, nobody liked her.

I once knew a girl, and I know her no more.
When she got home one day, she went up stairs and locked the door.
The door was for the bathroom, and on her way, she grabbed a knife.
She was drowning in the thought of ending her life.

She had nothing to live for, nothing to do,
nothing to love, or look forward to.

Nothing to laugh about, no reason to smile,
nothing that made her life worth while.

So locked in the bathroom, she carved in her skin
the words "I'm worthless" followed by a sad grin.

She let the words bleed until she felt numb.
"Nobody cares," she though, "they all think I'm scum."

So with hateful words echoing in her head,
she chugged a bottle of pills,
let her wrist bleed,
and closed her eyes
until she was dead.

I loved my best friend.
♠ ♠ ♠
not a true story by the way