Ancient Kingdom

The sun rises upon the third morning,
Craning its swan-like rays to extend beyond the zenith if Heaven
The moon wanes in light,
The stars disappear as the slumber of the day beckons them
And from the Northern Crests to the Southern Isles,
All of Atlantis awoke and praised God for another morning of worship

The whole kingdom teamed with life,
And it was with this life, that God was given the utmost glory

Tulips, posies, garlands, and faenas abound
In the Gaeria, bakers, with large wooden paddles,
Have laid out fresh bread to sell, and the scent of pastries fills the air
A heavenly scent that stirs the soul with hunger and content
Floral Shops, tailor parlors, art décors, mason quarries,
And the whole of the world is at peace,
For God was with them, and all was good

And so it was,
Another day,
Another perfect, splendid, blissful
Wonderful, day