Although I Am Different

Although I am light

And you are dark

You complete me

I cannot be

Without you

Although I am simpler

And you are complex

You complete me

I cannot be

Without you

Although I am scared and sensitive

And you are brave and brash

You complete me

I cannot be

Without you

Although I am gentle

And you are rough

You complete me

I cannot be

Without you

Although I skip and sing

And you walk slowly as if to say

"Don't mess with me"

You complete me

I cannot be

Without you

Although I am different from you

And you are opposite me

You complete me

I cannot be

Without you

Said lightness to dark, life to death, happiness to sadness, me to you.

Although I am not you

And you are not me

We need each other

Like a puzzle piece to the other

Don't ever change.