Moment of Depression

The girl of fifteen years of age walked down the right side of the bridge, listening to the passing cars, shivering at the bitter wind. She stopped about the middle and leaned against the railing, looking down at the other cars passing underneath. She watched for a few minutes before carefully hoping up on top of the railing, crying. Several cars honked and people yelled at her not to jump. She breathed deeply, spreading her arms out wide.
I’m so sorry mom and dad- I know my life isn’t bad at all, but that doesn’t mean I’m happy. I love you guys,” The girl spoke aloud, imaging her parents in her mind. She took a deep breath and leaned forward, allowing herself to fall forward. She kept her eyes open as best as she could, until a millisecond before hitting the oncoming SUV.

I opened my eyes with a sharp intake, shaking, coughing, and crying. I took off my glasses to paw at my eyes, trying to calm myself down.
It's just a thought. My life isn’t bad at all, it’s nothing compared to what other people have to go through.
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True Story. I don't have a bad life, I really don't, but I just had this supreme moment of depression & wanting to go jump off of a bridge onto oncoming traffic.