One In A Million

Every night i'm beaten before i go to bed
Every night i just wish i was dead

No one knows what i endure
A baby's life should be so pure

My daddy doesn't know what's happening to me
He's always at the hospital for chemotherapy

My brother's in iraq, fighting the war
We don't know if he'll come home for sure

My sister's out on the streets doing crack
I just want my normal family back

My mommy lies to those she meets
Not telling them it's me she beats

I can't speak out against the abuse
Even if i could it'd be of no use

It'd be dismissed and she'd hit me more
I'd be surprised if she didn't kill me before

This is the life I must live
I know i must not have been blessed with the gift

Of having a family whose love is true
But i also know that my death will be on the news

You'll say "oh what a terrible shame"
Then you'll forget even my name

I'm not the only one who deals with this
No i'm only one in a million kids.