10 Ways of Saying I Love You

1. warm cups of tea in the morning to wake up slowly instead of all at once

2. late nights curled up on the sofa watching crappy tv shows, eating popcorn and holding greasy hands

3. lazy mornings doing nothing but lying in bed, tangled in each other

4. long walks on the beach, early in the morning or late at night, when no one else is around, and the world is your own

5. hello/goodbye kisses, to be shared as often as possible

6. dates to special places, where only you understand the significance

7. hugs, from behind, from in front, from the side, from wherever

8. apologies, when you argue or fight and think that maybe this is it, it’s over

9. any type of kisses, surprise kisses, butterfly kisses, kisses on the mouth, kisses on the cheek, kisses on the nose

10. saying i love you