Black Rose Immortal.

Quiet falls...
Night is dead.
Screaming dreams,
Still haunt my head.

Her body lies,
Frozen and wet...
It calls to me,
In cooling sweat.

I pick up my hands,
And test the stream...
Splashing my face,
Against the light beams.

The morning is risen,
The day is now long...
I am contempt,
Where nothing is wrong.

So I release my holding,
Away from her breast...
Releasing my clenching,
From her stiffened chest...

She does not stir up,
Her movement is serene.
I toss back the white,
Into shades of deep green.

Her eyes show no favor,
And her lips are rid of taste.
Her heart beats nevermore...
And the feelings lay to waste.

Something is returning,
But I'm blind to it all.
There's ashes that are still burning...
But I'm blind to it all.

I am but a waiting arrival,
All to the passing cause.
There was passion in the hours,
Before you took the pause.

Your voice was painted like the rain,
Falling lonely upon dry limbs.
I thirsted for the blinking night...
Drinking up your precious hymns.

And so I give myself away still...
To the never-ending caress of you...
When there is bondage deep in the pill...
I will swallow and run with you.

They cannot leave us in the archways...
We cannot be taken by the shadows...
We will flow like coarsing blood,
Swimming through the softened marrow.

With the chills that arrive by the night of dawn,
I refuse to leave your forgotten presence.
The demons will watch and wait for you,
But I will hold on to your treasured pheasant.

When the reaper stops by, we shall not fear...
By the wake of the evening, the moments draw clear...
There is one thing we hold, and it lays dead in your hands...
The hourglass that we shared has now relinquished its sands.

Forever we love in the Groves of Death together...
Forever shall we love and wither forever.
♠ ♠ ♠
Opeth is literally the best band....I have made up my music will reach me to this level but them.