One Day

the love i have for you,
will surely never fade away,
your different than any other,
who has ever came my way,
you love me for who i really am,
the understanding we have about each other,
is what brings us closer,
one day i hope to be your everything,
the one you will always love and confide in,
i want to be the one you look at lovingly,
for you to take my head in your hands and kiss me,
to make the butterflies fly,
i want to be the one you whisper sweet things to,
for you to hold my hand and not be ashamed,
one day i hope you get down on one knee,
and make me your everything
♠ ♠ ♠
so i wrote this about my boyfriend and so he read it and sort of wrote a sequel look it up
My Blue Rose by X Black Rose X