Suicide note (I)

I'm sick, I really need your help
I have cancerous emotions
No? Then fuck you, I'm fine
I don't need you anymore

I was dying, I needed you more then ever
But you know what? It's fine
because now I'm dead
All I wanted was for you to comfort my poisoned head
But you were too little, too late
You are a terrible person
now you've sealed my fate

I loved you, but you never shared the feeling
you were the druglord of indifference, that's what you dealt
But now i'm not good enough for you, not good enough for anyone
So why don't I just do everyone a favor
and take myself out of this game?

The noose was ready, I said my goodbyes
as I put my neck in there, I started to cry
You thought you would apologize
You were coming with chocolate and flowers
Too little, to late

As you walked in,you were met with a surprise
and a note saying "If this comes as a shock to you,
I made the right choice. Next time, learn to appreciate the one
who has always been there for you, who has always been on your side.
who has loved you unconditionally until you caused her to die."

At this, you shrugged, and left the mess for someone else to clean up
and I instantly regretted me wasting my life on someone like you
♠ ♠ ♠
Make sure the person you love is worth dying for, and that you treat the person who would die for you the right way...