
Once upon a time
In a far away land
a young girl grew.
As she aged
Through seasons
of words and knowledge,
she also experienced
A tornado
Of emotions,
A kaleidoscope
Of feelings
All within cinder block walls.
It's a mystery
How the girl managed
To become
a kindhearted leader,
A role model,
and the face that
and it all was
Fairy tale perfect,
A dream right off a movie screen,
Something big,
something wondrous
And magical.
Until fire burned down
from a mountain
Far away
and the birds stopped singing
And the land decayed
So all she could see,
From her perch in the tower,
was disaster
And horror
And red liquid flowing
And coating the village
Like the very first snow.
Her fairy tale life
Crashed like lightning
All over the land
And all the people below
And screamed
For the queen to ease
Their pain,
but a coward,
she was
As she slid down the wall
Under the window,
she heard it all,
All the "mommy!"'s
and "daddy!"'s
And the "dear God!"'s,
But with a cold heart
And a silent scream,
She slipped away
To the clouds
in a cowardly scene.