
She's drinking the poison, but I am telling her no
She wants what will hurt her
I don't even know why
She doesn't know it's poison, but thinks it's mere juice
I know it's poison, I mixed it myself, for my own uses
I didn't mean for it to fall into her hands, i thought I was being careful
And now, I want to save her from the pain
She has drank this poison before
and every time it hurts her, every time she cries
I don't want to see her cry when it turns sour
I beg her to consider it more deeply
she says no because the poison has a sweet taste
But she doesn't remember the bitter aftertaste
I still don't understand, even the sweet taste isn't worth any of it
But as long as the poison is there, i know she will drink it
and the poison, having a life of it's own, can not be destroyed
Please...let the poison be
what has it ever done for you to make you keep wanting it?

Unable to sway her, i wait until the poison does it again, and i will be needed once more...
♠ ♠ ♠
*sigh* not again...