These Greatest Things

Heartbreak as the picture ends.
The friendship's strong but always bends,
the wrong way falling down the path.
Falling, falling down.

No matter what, it's hard to drown.
The barren bottles give a clue
as to show what not to do.

Now stop.. Let's do some math.
It's hard to find one that lasts.
Infinity it won't give back.
One plus one just equals two.

So, I'll be running after you.
Hoping to preserve the picture of two friends;
Strolling down the full moon's path.
Seeing if the stars will laugh
of the old-time duo.

Freezing, freezing, freezing cold
the night grew old
forcing them back into the room.

Moments end but memories last
Yearning that they not be past.


As time goes by,
the two grow far apart.
Saddened by that gruesome fact:

That these greatest things always die young....