words, blood and violence

Ya should have known better than to play with fire
Your only gonna get burned
Knew all along, that you were a liar
It's time the tables turned.

Too many wolves amongst a flock of sheep,
You think your strong but the flock are weak,
Well I'm a lion bitch, hear my ROAR
With claws and teeth im gonna settle the score
Your pompous, lazy, arrogant ways
Keep me enraged for so many days
Til the voices in my head scream and shout
Wheres the justice? Burn this motherfucker out.

Cause I cant keep this inside me any longer
Words, blood and violence make me stronger
I'll have the last laugh at the end of it all
Your own deceit will always be your downfall
Cause I cant keep this inside me any longer

I'll, make, you, FALLLLL!!!

You lie, to make me feel that things are ok
But still you try to fuck me over day after day
Til the red mist descends I can no longer see
Ive lost control, start to think without clarity
Now something must be done, the witch must be slain
Ive Taken this betrayal, again and again
No matter how many times you tell me your truth
I know the truth bitch, your evil is through

Cause I cant keep this inside me any longer
Words, blood and violence make me stronger
I'll have the last laugh at the end of it all
Your own deceit will always be your downfall
Cause I cant keep this inside me any longer

I'll, make, you, FALLLLL!!!
♠ ♠ ♠
Just a few thoughts toward a few fuckers from work... My boss really is a witch!!!