
I can't do this anymore
live in a place that doesn't love me
Here I'm at the bottom
Everyone else is above me
I've had it, you can't stop me
I'm fucking leaving

Tonight, at midnight, my bed will be empty
I'll have my bags packed, closed up and ready
Finding a ride to the airport won't be hard
everyone here wants me gone
Don't worry anymore
I'm going to leave now

My neighbor dropped me off at 2:00 sharp
He said "will I ever see you again?"
I said "Don't worry, you won't."

The lady at the desk asked me where I wanted to go
I gave her some bills and told her anywhere but here
I got on the plane, and knew I had nothing to fear
In the new land, it couldn't be any worse
My area was worse then a prison cell on Derse
I had finally left

Then I found a place where I wasn't a freak
There, they knew my full potential
I had smiled for the first time in umpteen years
they say you don't know what you have until it's gone
But nobody back home is crying, so neither shall I
Never regret leaving
♠ ♠ ♠
I am just angry and hurt right now, in reality, my family and friends are truly awesome, and I wouldn't leave them for anything :)