The Mistake

Have you ever made a mistake you wished you didn't?
Told someone something because you wanted to believe it?
Actually made yourself believe it for months?
Then came to relise it wasn't true?
Came to relise you still loved them after it was too late?
Well I have.
You see I thought I loved my best friend.
I told the person who I loved and loved me I didn't love them anymore.
Broke their heart.
I felt like shit, I didn't relise why until months later.
I was wrong.
I still love them, I never loved my best friend like that.
But they have moved on.
I'm happy they did, Just mad at myself for not releasing it sooner.
I wonder if they have even the smallest amount of love for me still?
Probably not.
I still talk to them,
I try not to just burst out how I was wrong that day.
Some times I really have to hold back.
I'd love to tell them, but I don't want to ruin anything for them.
So I just keep quiet well this eats at my insides.
I really do still love them.