A Kept Promise

You are the brightness
That lights up my world
That makes me feel again
And brings a smile to my face.

You are the tears of happiness
That rush down my face
That wash away the dark
And cure my broken soul.

You are everything
That fights my inner demon
That wants the rights to my heart
And to my sanity.

You are the friend
That never turns a back
That takes a candle
And lights the wick inside.

You are are the cloth
That wipes away the crimson
That drips off my fingers
And pools around my feet.

You are all in my world
That makes me stop uncorking those vile bottles
That stops the poison running down my throat
And replace it instead, with love.

You are the brightness
That shines still when all is through
That brings an end to all the pain
With just a smile, such an easy fix.