Honeymoon Faze

Honeymoon faze
All I ever wanted was a guy like you
Honeymoon faze
Seems to be exactly what we're going through

Honeymoon faze
Will I ever find another guy like you
Honeymoon faze
You seem to be all that goes through my head

Long walks in the beach
Usually something i hate but you're with me
Ice cream on the streets
Will you really ever truly get over me

Talking hours and hours about life and how much we love each other
Sitting next to each other thinking of our futures and how we want to be with one another
Thinking of why you're the only one in my head
Oh, why am I feeling this way. Am I dead?
Because this feeling is abnormal
Oh tell me is this normal?

I'm begging you to tell me this more than what I'm feeling